探索首宗 Visionnaire 地产建案
家居哲学 (Home Philosophy) 是 Visionnaire 一直以来的核心价值,因此,我们的首宗地房地产项目,选择与迪拜的物业发展公司 Volare 合作,打造能充分展现品牌价值与精神的精致别墅。
这是 VOLARE,正式邀请世界各地的梦想家入住。
- 地点:迪拜
- 占地面积:2000 平方米
- 物业发展:Volare
- 建筑师:Alessandro La Spada
The encounter between the sartorial attitude of the maison and the expertise of our partner gave life to Volare, a new exquisite residence completely designed by Visionnaire in Dubai.
Discover the latest evolution of the Visionnaire Home Philosophy, in the real estate sector, with a one-of-a-kind project.

竖立在迪拜的朱美拉湾岛 (Jumeirah Bay Island)的崭新别墅,在这个海天相连、祥和宁静的绿洲静候着。

别墅的建筑将由 Alessandro La Spada 操刀设计,将 Visionnaire 品牌风格及当地文化,以细腻的方式结合。这个项目的设计重心在于凸显本地的精神,通过使用自然材质、符合当地自然环境的色调,及符合当地气候的设计来具体实现。換言之,海洋、沙漠、天空,是界定建筑与自然关系的主要元素。

“Volare 是飞翔的意思,给予想像更宽广的空间,超脱既定视角,大胆地成为真正的梦想家。”

The mansion is connected to the landscape. Stone, marble and glass define the architectural volumes. Typical motifs of Visionnaire's language recur up to the definition of every single detail: the stone is engraved following a relief design which, on the one hand, evokes the quilting of some of the maison's iconic products, and on the other, it pays homage to the softness of the desert dunes. If during the day it is the sunlight that creates shadows and contrasts on the stone, at night a LED system recreates a game of light.

Witness your dream come true: follow the phases of implementation with monthly updates to keep you up to date with the construction of the villa. From the very first excavations on the plot right down to the finishing touches.

Volare 项目的每个细节都精心设计,包括空间应有的独特香气识别。Visionnaire 针对建案地的风土环境,以及使用的材质、设计等,进行详细缜密的研究,并与香水设计师 Anotenella Bondi 合作,研发出一款专属于这个项目的香水。
The sense of smell defines the moments and places in which we live. Recognising and identifying a place by its scent, even at a distance of time, proves that a certain fragrance is able to make certain spaces, and emotions we experience unforgettable.

VOLARE immediately captures the attention thanks to a clever combination of fresh and lively top notes: the protagonists are orange, lemon, bergamot and grapefruit as well as the balsamic note of eucalyptus.